SoCal OC Throwdown WOD 3 (5:30PM)
"Los Dos"
5 rounds:
45 sec AMRAP Deadlift, 225lbs
Rest 15 sec
45 sec AMRAP Burpees
Rest 15 sec
Total reps are athletes’ score. Burpees need to be done with an upright torso, no muted hips and a visible jump off the ground must occur.
Jacob 149 Rx'd 10th Place (1st 165)
Shane 90 Rx'd
SoCal OC Throwdown WOD 4 (6:00PM)
5 min max clean in lbs; rest 0 sec
5 min Cindy CTB for total reps; rest 0 sec
5 min row calories
Total score = max 1RM weight lifted in lbs + total reps in 5 min Cindy + total cals in 5 min rowed (i.e. 285# + 240 reps (8 rounds) + 100 cals = score of 625 score)
Jacob 590 Rx'd 1st Place (2nd 586)
Clean 250lbs (PR)
8 Rounds +15 CTB Cindy
85 Calories Rowed
Happy to have pounded out a few PR's and surprised myself on a few things, but overall I would have been second place in the points total. Fun WOD's though.
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