Started the day with HQ's suggestions and felt horrible (only slept 9 hours in 2 days), but now I'm at the FD so I'll do some old school weight lifting and blast my pec's... Oh yeah!

For time:
15 Deadlifts, 225lbs
50 Pull-ups
12 Deadifts, 225lbs
40 Pull-ups
9 Deadlifts, 225lbs
30 Pull-ups
6 Deadlifts, 225lbs
20 Pull-ups
3 Deadlifts, 225lbs
10 Pull-ups
Jacob 8:26 Rx'd

I think what you're looking at was roughly 1% of my bodyweight on the floor after the WOD. I wanted to vomit real bad and was panting like a dog for a good 15 minutes after. You can see I was clutching my head as I was kneeling on the floor, awaiting to see God.

man...that's some hardcore gym u got right there...shit, i want one too :(
Thanks, I'm going to be posting a video of all the stuff I've collected for my gym and all my running routes and various training sites I have in the downtown near my home.
If ever you're looking for cheap, reliable equipment...GHD, squat racks or whatever just let me know. Me and my friends are always scrounging for good buys, and try to spread the word.
This is a fast time. Are you training for the games? How long have you been at this (however this is defined)? Is this your garage in Elgin? Keep it up, you look to be going very strong.
Pat M
Well I'm training for the sectionals, but we'll see beyond that. As for how long I've been doing crossfit... a little shy of 2 years, and yes this is my garage in Elgin. It's attached to my home and thanks for the encouragement Pat, I need every bit of it heading to sectionals.
Take care...
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