Todays abuse...
WOD #1 (11:30AM)
Max reps for time of:
10 minutes Handstand push-ups (2" Parallettes, top of head to floor)
5 minutes Squats (A to A and honest!)
2 minutes Pull-ups
1 minute Push-ups (Nose to floor)
Jacob 349 [HSPU:74, S:160, PUL:70, PUS:45)
WOD #2 (12:00PM)
For time:
30 Snatch, 135lbs (Squat or muscle)
30 Clean and Jerk, 135lbs (Squat or power)
Jacob 10:38 Rx'd [Isa 6:45, Grance 3:53]

WOD #3 (12:30PM)
5 Rounds for time of:
20 Calories Rowed
20 GH Back Ext.
Jacob 12:30 (Time on rower 4:33, 100 calories)
Felt horrible doing muscle snatches, I so need to work on that lift weekly in order to improve in any significant way, but I think I missed the window on that one. I can fire out 5 good single muscle snatches and then I'm so fatigued that I can barely muster up the strength to lift the bar off the ground. I hope that's just the fatigue associated with the first WOD, but either way I know my snatch lift is soft.
Other then that I felt solid on the rower today. I was able to grind out 20 calories consistently in under a minute and was able to transition right in the the GHSU, only having to break the last set into 10 and 10.
Hey Jacob, I'm going to be competing against you in sectionals, I'll probably be the only 15 year old competing so I won't be to hard to find, good luck! I have to say you've got me in almost all categories except squats.
Way to represent Matt! Glad to hear I'll be sweating it out with you in Missour, and you're right squats are my goat. You never know what crossfit's going to throw at you though, so I hope your training goes well and stay healthy.
Take care.
Too true! I need to get over to the affiliate gym in my area so they can make sure my form is proper, I don't want to get out there and do a bunch of worthless reps, I also need to learn to do ring muscle-ups, I've got bar muscle-ups but at my house I don't have rings and at the civic center they don't have rings.
Jacob, your volume and output are really impressive. Do you mind sharing what your recovery consists of (nutrition, rest, sleep, etc.)? Kristian
Kristian, I'm the worst person when it comes to recovery. I work 75-95 hours a week between the fire department and the hospital, and that's a mix of going from days to nights, and even periods of not sleeping for over a day with nothing but scattered naps to catch me back up. I really feel run down a lot, which people say is the hallmark of over training but in my case it’s just not enough sleep because my times stay consistent if not better and the weight slowly goes up over time. As for my diet I don’t really analyze it too heavily, but rather look in the mirror and jump on the scale from time to time and see if I like what I see.
My weight wavers between 165lbs-173lbs and I’m 6’0”, so I’m naturally on the lean side. I shoot for 200grams of protein a day through supplemented mixed drinks (plain flavorless baking whey in 10oz of skim milk 4 times a day) and then eat foods that are freshly prepared, primarily meat, vegetables, salads, sparingly carbohydrates and if so always whole grain and last but not least one 466 calorie Paleo Kit per day. I probably consume 4,000-5,000 calories a day if I had to count.
Since I work so much I seriously eat Subway, Chipotle or at the local bar by my house at least once a week each, and when I do eat there I get either a (2) chicken/steak fajita bowls with corn, lettuce, mild salsa and black beans, a foot long roasted chicken breast sub on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, pickles, green peppers, salt pepper and extra oregano, or the grilled chicken breast dinner with all vegetables and a side of hummus and whole grain pita chips.
I’m sure my diet sucks too, but at the fire house we always eat freshly prepared meals that are very healthy. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but when I feel like my diet is off I just push harder with my WOD’s and try to cut back on any indulgent foods, like frozen yogurt and diet soda… I would readily check myself in to a mental institution if I couldn’t occasionally have those in my life.
As for supplements I take fish oil, twice daily, creatine, twice daily, glucosamine, twice daily, multi vitamin, twice daily, anti-oxidants, twice daily and B12 at night that is when I don’t forget.
So I hope this helps
Take care…
And Matt it seriously took me longer to do bar muscle-ups then it did to ring muscle-ups and still consider then harder. So you got it in you just keep on going.
Jacob, Thank you for the detailed response, it is appreciated. I don't know that I have much to offer in return other then keep up the great work. You are motivating the heck out of me. Kristian
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