Where does it hurt?... Where do you think?
So I decided to do this WOD with a little extra weight today and it was as expected, worse then it would have been.
Warm Up:
3 Rounds not for time of:
7 Muscle Snatch, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs
7 Snatch Balance, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs
7 Overhead Sqauts, 45lbs, 75lbs and 95lbs
WOD #1
7 Rounds for time of:
7 Muscle Snatch, 115lbs
7 Snatch Balance, 115lbs
7 Overhead Sqauts, 115lbs
Jacob 19:51
WOD #2
Thruster 15-15-15
Jacob 115-125-135 (Not much of a WOD I know, but I did it none the less.)
WOD #3
10 Rounds for max reps of:(20 minutes total including rest)
1 Minute V-ups
1 Minute Rest
Jacob ????
I didn't count, but my stomach muscles hurt so I consider it a mission accomplished.
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