The plan was simple, but not easy...
Warm Up:
Bench Press 10-10-10-10
Jacob 135-155-175-185
Shoulder Press 10-7-5-3-1
Evan 135-150-165-180-190x2

5 Rounds of: (Not for time)
5 Bench Press, 225lbs
500m Row
Jacob 5/1:27(PR), 5/1:32, 5/1:36, 5/1:39(20 spm), 5/1:37
Evan 5/1:29, 5/1:29, 5/1:31

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Evan 13 Rounds +5 Pull, +10 Push (10 Minutes)
Jacob 31 Rounds +5 Pull, +10 Push (PR)
Well I have to give credit where credit is do and Kenny, well Kenny's new nick name might as well be Visa because he's never maxed out and he'll take care of whatever you put in front of him. It was epic! Kenny was told his WOD combination for the day and that he was going to power clean over 14,000lbs over the coarse of his hour in the garage, and that's just what he did.

Warm Up:
Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1-1-1
95-115-120-125-130-135-145 (1,300lbs Cleanend)
Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Kenny 155-165-175-185(Failed)-170-180-180 (1,200lbs Cleaned)
20 Rounds of:
3 Power cleans, (90%1RM) every minute, on the minute
*5 Burpees as a penalty for each round you fail to complete
Kenny 20 Rounds (10,500lbs Cleaned)

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