With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in minute two. In minute three, squat again, subtracting the number completed from 60. Do that number of push-ups in minute four. Minute five is squatting again, and minute six pull-ups.

The pattern is squats, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc. The goal is to stay within the workout's formula for as long as possible.
Don't do more than 60 squats in any round.
Messed this one up a bit... only did alternating squats and pull-ups, no push-ups.
Jacob 30 minutes
1-2 S:45 PU:15
3-4 S:45 PU:15
5-6 S:45 PU:15
7-8 S:45 PU:15
9-10 S:45 PU:15
11-12 S:45 PU:15
13-14 S:45 PU:15
15-16 S:45 PU:15
17-18 S:45 PU:15
19-20 S:45 PU:15
21-22 S:45 PU:15
23-24 S:45 PU:15
25-26 S:45 PU:15
27-28 S:45 PU:15
29-30 S:45 PU:15
*All sets unbroken!
Then we got a call...
15 cycles, 675 Squats and 225 Pull-ups
Could've done more, I was finishing my pull-ups well within 20 seconds of the second minute of the cycle and got plenty of rest, and if I had alternated my push-ups with the pull-ups I could have had even more rest for my arms and more time to recover.
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