Evan, keeps PR'ing this one and I keep getting slower, but not today. Today we both crushed it! Big time!
WOD #1
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 95lbs
Evan 2:39(PR)

Hudson gave Evan his Dad a well deserved pat on the back and said "good job dad". Good job indeed.
Jacob 2:37
I couldn't pull it together on this one towards the end. I hit the bar for my 9's at 1:51, which is a blistering pace and then locked up 3 times on the thrusters, and couldn't even hammer through my pull-ups with out having to let go of the bar.
WOD #2
Tabata Airdyne
4 minutes od 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.
Evan 102 Calories
Jacob 91 Calories
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