WOD #1
A1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 16" - build to a 1RM: rest as needed
A2. Strict Pronated Chin Ups - build to a 1RM; rest as needed
rest 10 min
B1. 85% Close Grip Bench Press - amrap x 1 set @ 40X0; rest as needed
B2. 85% Strict Chin Ups @ 40X0 - amrap x 1 set; rest as needed
post scores to comments like this:
1. score = weight added for chin up + BWT divided by Close Grip Bench Press
(i.e. 80# + 175# BWT = 255/255 # close grip = 1.0)
2. B1 reps, B2 reps

Above you can see the difference between getting 140lbs and not getting 150lbs. Slight, but it's the difference between a hit and a miss.
1. 1.188 [(140+169)/260]
2. B1 5 (225lbs), B2 4 (120lbs)

WOD #2
"Ryan" Light
3 Rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees, 14" Jump

Jacob 6:51

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