Well after years of crossfitting and countless attempts at a bodyweight snatch, today was the day. 175lbs on the bar, lifted in one continuous motion overhead by a man weighing 172lbs, huge accomplishment. The best part is I didn't even see it coming, it just kind of happened. The final WOD of 3 on a breezy Monday morning, making for 1 big lift. I'm pleased to say the least and know I got 185lbs in me soon enough.
Warm Up:
WOD #1
With 30 Minutes complete:
10 Minutes work up to 1RM Clean
10 Minutes max reps Handstand Push-ups, 4" Parralettes head to floor
10 Minutes Airdyne, max calories
Score lbs+reps+calories

260lbs(PR) Power Clean
60 Handstand Push-ups
173 Calories
Total: 493 (So close to 500)
WOD #2
Complete 1 set every 30 seconds until failure of:
1 L Pull-up
2 CTB Pull-ups (Dead Hang)
3 Toes to Bar
*Can't let go of bar in order for set to count.
Jacob 20 sets
WOD #3
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175(PR)-185(Failed x3)
After looking at the video of the lift I noticed I actually got airborn for a second.
Bodyweight 172lbs this AM.
Holla! That rocks! I'm approaching BW on my CJ - snatch is next. Big news! Congrats.
Why thanks... Did you get the pack?
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