WOD #1
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
12 Pull-ups

Kenny 8:00
Shane 11:04
Jacob 7:46 PR (2 Pood, CTB) Prior PR 8:01 or 8:10, I can't remember.
15 Minute rest then...
WOD #2
Ascending Minute Ladder of:
Burpee Pull-ups, CTB
Shane 8 Rounds +5
Kenny 11 Rounds +5
Jacob 11 Rounds +9
On Heavy Helen I felt real good. I ran at a decent clip in the begining and never really pushed until the last round of KBS. I was happy with how things went and made a big improvement from last time. However with a regular Helen you just have to go for broke on the run and recover with your swings. The two of them are differnet animals if you ask me.
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