Bench Press 15-10-5
Jacob 95-135-185
Shane 45-65-85
WOD #1
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bench Press, Bodyweight
*Complete both movements back to back with no rest between, rest after each round as needed.
Jacob (Bwt. 170lbs, Bench 185lbs)
BP 15, PU 35
BP 13, PU 30
BP 12, PU 35
BP 11, PU 31
BP 08, PU 26
Shane (Bwt. 120lbs, Bench 95lbs)
BP 10, PU 14
BP 10, PU 14
BP 10, PU 14
BP 08, PU 10
BP 06, PU 12
WOD #1
For time:
30 Snatch, 135lbs
Kenny 3:44

WOD #2
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Row (Calories in 1 minute)
Jacob 423 PR (SDHP 80lbs)
WB 30, 27, 22
HP 30, 27, 23
BJ 35, 33, 33
PP 40, 35, 32
RO 18, 17, 20
153, 140, 130

Warm Up:
WOD #2
For time:
1 Mile Run
Kenny 6:14
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