Today Shane and Kenny were eager to tackle eyesterdays WOD. That was until they started it.
5 Rounds of:
Max Rep Overhead Squats
Max Rep Front Squats
Max Rep Back Squat
*Pick 1 set weight for the entire WOD, attempting each lift for max reps until failure then immediatly move on to the next movement. Note, you can drop the weights, but you must pick them up starting the next lift immediatly. Rest in between rounds as needed.

Kenny 165lbs
Round 1 OHS 4, FS 18, BS 15
Round 2 OHS 4, FS 16, BS 12
Round 3 OHS 4, FS 14, BS 16
Round 4 OHS 3, FS 14, BS 12
Round 5 OHS 3, FS 12, BS 12
Total 31.8 Squats per round and 159 squats total

Shane 75lbs
Round 1 OHS 3, FS 25, BS 20
Round 2 OHS 3, FS 15, BS 15
Round 3 OHS 2, FS 12, BS 15
Round 4 OHS 2, FS 12, BS 17
Round 5 OHS 2, FS 20, BS 30
Total 40.4 Squats per round and 203 squats total

5 Rounds for time of:
250m Row
15 Push Jerks, 155lbs
10 Muscle-ups
Jacob 27:56
This was a lot worse then I thought it would be... a lot worse.
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