This one was going to kill me and I knew it. My time for 30 135lb snatches is around 6 minutes so upping the weight to 145lbs and putting at the end of a tough WOD was going to be damn near impossible for me to be competative on, but oh well. I just have to get stronger.
On a side not I can say with total confidence and pride that I was the only guy at regionals to do both sets of my CTB pull-ups unbroken! Not too mention my time on the middle portion of the WOD aside from the snatches was 5:23. So if I could fire out snatches like all those other beasts there I'd be right up there with the rest of them.
Final Event
For time:
10 Snatches, 145lbs
20 CTB Pull-ups
30 Stick Jumps, 24"
40 Ball Slams, 45lbs
30 Stick Jumps, 24"
20 CTB Pull-ups
10 Snatches, 145lbs

Jacob 15:16
It took me 1:45 seconds to do my first 10 snatches, 5:23 to do the 20-30-40-30-20 portion, then 8 minutes to get my last 10 reps. I totally sucked it up on this one! The blog must be acting up I'm unable to post videos of the pull-ups and my clean and jerk... I'll try again later.
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