Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 31: 2010 Elgin Fox Trot

Well happy Memorial Day and let's all wish Kenny, Shane, Nate and Stacey good luck today because they're all running the Fox Trot 5K in downtown Elgin. I'm still congested and dizzy while up walking so I'm going to pass, but at least no fever today... so far.

Sunday, May 30: Still Sick!

What can I say other then I feel miserable!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29: Sick Day

Started with a sore throat in the morning, then body aches in the evening coupled with a fever and chills... I feel horrible. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour virus and I'll be over it soon. Worst of all I'm at the fire station and of course we're busy today.

Rest Day, Sick Day.

Friday, May 28: 2 WOD's, Ugh!

I remember when triples weren't a big deal, now doubles totally ruin me, oh well. Shane and Kenny did this first WOD yesterday, but I decided to give it a go today. Let me tell you it wasn't fun.

WOD #1
AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
3 Kettelbell Swings, 2 Pood
6 Deadlifts, 225lbs
9 Wall Balls, 20lbs
12 Glute Ham Sit-ups

Shane 8 Rounds +9 reps (135lbs)

Kenny 11 Rounds

Jacob 13 Rounds +9 reps

WOD #2
For time:
100 Push Jerks, 95lbs
*5 Push-ups each time you break a set.

Shane 12:23, 80 Push-ups (75lbs)

Kenny 4:42, 20 Push-ups

Jacob 4:30, 25 Push-ups

Thursday, May 27: 400m, Pull-up, Push-up Repeat!

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Max rep Pull-ups
Max rep Push-ups

Jacob 6 Rounds, 135 Pull-ups and 135 Push-ups
(40/40, 30/30, 20/20, 20/20, 15/15 and 10/10)

Wednesday, May 26: Forced Rest Day

Back at the fire station and running calls all day, maybe tomorrow will be a better day to WOD.

Tuesday, May 25: Rest Day

Artist: How To Destroy Angels, EP: How To Destroy Angels

Featured Track: The Believers

Workouts have been beating my body up lately, and I think it's because of poor diet and laziness, but either way I'm taking a rest day today.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24: KBS and Running, Fran and Drag

Since my leg pain is being to subside a little I decided to hit it hard today and try to keep up with the Von Qualens. So here's how it played out.

"Fran and Drag"

For time: 21-15-9 reps for time followed by:
Thruster, 95lbs
175ft Weighted Tire Drag

Evan 4:03

Shoulder Press 5-4-3-2-1

Jacob 115-135-155-165-175

Weighted Pull-up 5-4-3-2-1

Jacob 55-70-106-125-135-145(F)

Shoulder Shrugs 30-25-20-15

Jacob 225-255-275-295

Evan 225-255-275-295

Bent Over Rows 10-10-10-10-10

Jacob 135-155-165-175-185

Evan 135-155-165-175-185

Kettlebell Hustle

3 Rounds of:
Max Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood (3pts. per swing)
Max Kettblebell Swings, 1.5 Pood (2pts. per swing)
Max Kettblebell Swings, 1 Pood (1pt. per swing)
400m Run, For Time
*Complete all swings withou rest until failure back, to back, to back then run.
Score each round by dividing your KBS points by the seconds it took to complete your 400m run.
Rest 5 minutes between each round

Round 1: 25(75pts.), 20(40pts.), 20(20pts.)and 1:28(88sec.)
Round 2: 25(75pts.), 08(16pts.), 15(15pts.)and 1:34(94sec.)
Round 3: 18(54pts.), 15(30pts.), 16(16pts.)and 1:32(92sec.)

Round 1: 1.53 (135/88)
Round 2: 1.13 (106/94)
Round 3: 1.09 (100/92)

WOD Average Per Round 1.25

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 23: Rest Day

This is a picture of destroyed muscle tissue, but let's not think about that.

Rest day, and my legs are in the worst shape that I can recall in long time. That is if you don't count the time I had rhabdo, that was the worst. Hope it's not what it feels like.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22: Squats and Jacob's Met Con

Today Shane and Kenny were eager to tackle eyesterdays WOD. That was until they started it.

5 Rounds of:
Max Rep Overhead Squats
Max Rep Front Squats
Max Rep Back Squat
*Pick 1 set weight for the entire WOD, attempting each lift for max reps until failure then immediatly move on to the next movement. Note, you can drop the weights, but you must pick them up starting the next lift immediatly. Rest in between rounds as needed.

Kenny 165lbs
Round 1 OHS 4, FS 18, BS 15
Round 2 OHS 4, FS 16, BS 12
Round 3 OHS 4, FS 14, BS 16
Round 4 OHS 3, FS 14, BS 12
Round 5 OHS 3, FS 12, BS 12

Total 31.8 Squats per round and 159 squats total

Shane 75lbs
Round 1 OHS 3, FS 25, BS 20
Round 2 OHS 3, FS 15, BS 15
Round 3 OHS 2, FS 12, BS 15
Round 4 OHS 2, FS 12, BS 17
Round 5 OHS 2, FS 20, BS 30

Total 40.4 Squats per round and 203 squats total

5 Rounds for time of:
250m Row
15 Push Jerks, 155lbs
10 Muscle-ups

Jacob 27:56

This was a lot worse then I thought it would be... a lot worse.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21: Squat Till You Drop!

Today I wanted to clear my head before my big CCRN test, and no better way to accomplish that then to squat till you're going to pass out.

Mission accomplished!

Warm Up:
Back Squat 5-5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3
Overhead Squat 1-1-1

Jacob 135-155-175 for all lifts

5 Rounds of:
Max Rep Overhead Squats
Max Rep Front Squats
Max Rep Back Squat
*Pick 1 set weight for the entire WOD, attempting each lift for max reps until failure then immediatly move on to the next movement. Note, you can drop the weights, but you must pick them up starting the next lift immediatly. Rest in between rounds as needed.

Jacob 155lbs
Round 1 OHS 7, FS 9, BS 10
Round 2 OHS 11, FS 7, BS 11
Round 3 OHS 6, FS 9, BS 13
Round 4 OHS 7, FS 8, BS 14
Round 5 OHS 8, FS 8, BS 13

Total 28.2 Squats per round and 141 squats total

Nate 75lbs
Round 1 OHS 10, FS 10, BS 10
Round 2 OHS 10, FS 8, BS 8
Round 3 OHS 9, FS 9, BS 9
Round 4 OHS 9, FS 10, BS 11
Round 5 OHS 9, FS 9, BS 10

Total 28.4 Squats per round and 142 squats total

WOD #1
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
12 Pull-ups

Pat 9:08 (1 Pood)

WOD #2
Rowing Challenge

Complete 1 stroke on the first minute, 2 strokes on the second minutes and so on until you've completed 10 minutes of rowing and 55 total strokes. Note your meters rowed and calories generated. Then rest exactly 3 minutes, then row a 500m sprint for time. Your score for the WOD is [(Meters + Calories)/ Time in seconds for 500m].*Do not count your meters and calories for the 500m sprint at the end, just use your time as the denominator.

Pat 930m Rowed, 49 Calories Pulled in 55 strokes. 500m Row 1:54 (114 seconds)

Score 979/114= 8.59

Thursday, May 20: Rest Day, Study Day!

Tomorrow is my big CCRN exam... I just studied all day and will hit it hard tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19: Heavy Helen Plus

WOD #1

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
12 Pull-ups

Kenny 8:00

Shane 11:04

Jacob 7:46 PR (2 Pood, CTB) Prior PR 8:01 or 8:10, I can't remember.

15 Minute rest then...

WOD #2
Ascending Minute Ladder of:
Burpee Pull-ups, CTB

Shane 8 Rounds +5

Kenny 11 Rounds +5

Jacob 11 Rounds +9

On Heavy Helen I felt real good. I ran at a decent clip in the begining and never really pushed until the last round of KBS. I was happy with how things went and made a big improvement from last time. However with a regular Helen you just have to go for broke on the run and recover with your swings. The two of them are differnet animals if you ask me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18: Annie

An easy one today, and it was a good thing cause I was feeling lazy.


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

Jacob 5:11

Monday, May 17: Easy WOD

Felt all messed up from FGB still so I just wanted to loose things up.

6 Rounds, not for time of:
20 Dumbell Squats, 60lbs
20 Dumbell Deadlifts, 60lbs
20 24" Step-ups, 60lbs
20 Lunge Steps, 60lbs

6 Sets of:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 16: Jacob's Turn at FGB!

Bench Press 15-10-5

Jacob 95-135-185

Shane 45-65-85

WOD #1
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bench Press, Bodyweight
*Complete both movements back to back with no rest between, rest after each round as needed.

Jacob (Bwt. 170lbs, Bench 185lbs)
BP 15, PU 35
BP 13, PU 30
BP 12, PU 35
BP 11, PU 31
BP 08, PU 26

Shane (Bwt. 120lbs, Bench 95lbs)
BP 10, PU 14
BP 10, PU 14
BP 10, PU 14
BP 08, PU 10
BP 06, PU 12

WOD #1
For time:
30 Snatch, 135lbs

Kenny 3:44

WOD #2
"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Row (Calories in 1 minute)

Jacob 423 PR (SDHP 80lbs)

WB 30, 27, 22
HP 30, 27, 23
BJ 35, 33, 33
PP 40, 35, 32
RO 18, 17, 20

153, 140, 130

Warm Up:
WOD #2
For time:
1 Mile Run

Kenny 6:14

Saturday, May 15: FGB!

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
Row (Calories in 1 minute)

Kenny 357

Shane 198

Evan 405 PR!

Watching Evan was freaking amazing, I have never heard nor seen a 200lb guy pull a 400+ on FGB... He's a beast!

Friday, May 14: Rest Day

Took a rest day again and studied as much as I could at the fire station. I sure Kenny and Shane were at it though.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday, May 13: 15k Run, +Vest!

From short and sweet to long an horrible...

For time:
15K Run, +20lb Vest

Jacob 1:19:57

I so screwed my knees on this one, never again!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12: 6 Minutes of Pain!

According to Evan the plan was to keep it short, sweet and painful today. So I went along for the ride, and got ridden.

For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs

Evan 2:21 (PR 2:18)

Jacob 2:37 (PR 2:14)

5 Minute Rest...

For reps:
2 Minutes Max Burpees

Evan 43

Jacob 52

5 Minute Rest...

For time:
500m Row

Evan 1:29 (Damper 9, PR 1:26)

Jacob 1:32 (Damper 10, PR 1:27)

10 Minutes of rolling on the floor trying not to vomit... Priceless!

Tuesday, May 11: Rest Day

HQ says Rest Day and why not? My body is in shambles from Fran. What can I say... I've already deconditioned after a week off.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10: Fran Is Back!

Well today is my first day back working out and eating right again, and I damn near killed myself.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster, 95lbs

Evan 2:50

Jacob 2:53

15 minute rest then...

Rowing Challenge

Complete 1 stroke on the first minute, 2 strokes on the second minutes and so on until you've completed 10 minutes of rowing and 55 total strokes. Note your meters rowed and calories generated. Then rest exactly 3 minutes, then row a 500m sprint for time. Your score for the WOD is [(Meters + Calories)/ Time in seconds for 500m].*Do not count your meters and calories for the 500m sprint at the end, just use your time as the denominator.

Jacob 1301m Rowed, 80 Calories Pulled in 55 strokes. 500m Row 1:41(101 seconds)

Score 1381/101= 13.67

Sunday, May 9: ATHF

TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 7

Just an awesome show on adult swim.

Saturday, May 8: Tobacco

Artist: Tobacco, Album: Maniac Meat

Featured Track: Fresh Hex

Friday, May 7: Front Line Assembly

Artist: Front Line Assembly, Album: Improvised. Electronic. Device. (I.E.D)

Featured Track: Hostage

Thursday, May 6: Wintersleep

Artist: Wintersleep, Album: New Inheritors

Featured Track: New Inheritors

My personal favorite Wintersleep track is either "Drunk on Aluminum" or "Nerves Normal. Breath Normal"

Drunk On Aluminum lyrics

Oh my, are you the beast again?
Is it the violence you like?
Oh my, I feel it crawling in
Gnawing, reptilian
In the lost, loney night
I wanna know
Cut out the sickness
Cut it in self defense
Cut the yellowing eyes
Skylines, bloody and cancerous
Color the dead patches
Make it white, make it white

Wild eyes, I feel the teeth again
Gnawing and imminent
In the lost, loney night
Oh my, give me the words again
Paint it aluminum

Nerves Normal. Breath Normal lyrics

There were floods
There was violence
Words to God
There was something
I'll be calm
Like an organ
Fading out
Tired of beating
Hurry up
Keep it moving
Am I alive?
Am I still breathing?

Worry not...

Wednesday, May 5: Rosetta

Artist: Rosetta, Album: A Determinism Of Morality

Featured Track: Revolve

Also highly recommended is Rosetta's Wake/Lift, check them out!

Tuesday, May 4: UNKLE

Artist: UNKLE, Album: Where Did The Night Fall

Featured Track: Natural Selection

Manday, May 3: Back Home to the Grind

Going to take it easy and studying over the next week for my CCRN exam, but I'll be posting so upcoming CD's that are coming out that are totally going to rock... hopefully.

Artist: Holy F***, Album: Latin

Featured Track: Latin America

Don't let their name fool you... they'er good!

Sunday, May 2: Regionals Final WOD

This one was going to kill me and I knew it. My time for 30 135lb snatches is around 6 minutes so upping the weight to 145lbs and putting at the end of a tough WOD was going to be damn near impossible for me to be competative on, but oh well. I just have to get stronger.

On a side not I can say with total confidence and pride that I was the only guy at regionals to do both sets of my CTB pull-ups unbroken! Not too mention my time on the middle portion of the WOD aside from the snatches was 5:23. So if I could fire out snatches like all those other beasts there I'd be right up there with the rest of them.

Final Event
For time:
10 Snatches, 145lbs
20 CTB Pull-ups
30 Stick Jumps, 24"
40 Ball Slams, 45lbs
30 Stick Jumps, 24"
20 CTB Pull-ups
10 Snatches, 145lbs

Jacob 15:16

It took me 1:45 seconds to do my first 10 snatches, 5:23 to do the 20-30-40-30-20 portion, then 8 minutes to get my last 10 reps. I totally sucked it up on this one! The blog must be acting up I'm unable to post videos of the pull-ups and my clean and jerk... I'll try again later.