Today I wanted to clear my head before my big CCRN test, and no better way to accomplish that then to squat till you're going to pass out.
Mission accomplished!
Warm Up:
Back Squat 5-5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3
Overhead Squat 1-1-1
Jacob 135-155-175 for all lifts
5 Rounds of:
Max Rep Overhead Squats
Max Rep Front Squats
Max Rep Back Squat
*Pick 1 set weight for the entire WOD, attempting each lift for max reps until failure then immediatly move on to the next movement. Note, you can drop the weights, but you must pick them up starting the next lift immediatly. Rest in between rounds as needed.

Jacob 155lbs
Round 1 OHS 7, FS 9, BS 10
Round 2 OHS 11, FS 7, BS 11
Round 3 OHS 6, FS 9, BS 13
Round 4 OHS 7, FS 8, BS 14
Round 5 OHS 8, FS 8, BS 13
Total 28.2 Squats per round and 141 squats total

Nate 75lbs
Round 1 OHS 10, FS 10, BS 10
Round 2 OHS 10, FS 8, BS 8
Round 3 OHS 9, FS 9, BS 9
Round 4 OHS 9, FS 10, BS 11
Round 5 OHS 9, FS 9, BS 10
Total 28.4 Squats per round and 142 squats total

WOD #1
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
12 Pull-ups
Pat 9:08 (1 Pood)
WOD #2
Rowing Challenge
Complete 1 stroke on the first minute, 2 strokes on the second minutes and so on until you've completed 10 minutes of rowing and 55 total strokes. Note your meters rowed and calories generated. Then rest exactly 3 minutes, then row a 500m sprint for time. Your score for the WOD is [(Meters + Calories)/ Time in seconds for 500m].*Do not count your meters and calories for the 500m sprint at the end, just use your time as the denominator.
Pat 930m Rowed, 49 Calories Pulled in 55 strokes. 500m Row 1:54 (114 seconds)
Score 979/114= 8.59