Really felt good today. The sun was shinning and it was a beautiful day to WOD it up in the subdivision. I love the looks on all my neighbors faces as I was setting up for the WOD and running all over the place with weights.
Truly priceless.
Warm Up:
Deadlift 5-5-5
*After each set complete
15 Med Ball Sit-ups, 20lbs
15 Back Extensions
Jacob 225-275-325
WOD #1
5 Rounds for time and load of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Ring HSPU
Jacob 6:31 (345lb DL's and Parraletter HSPU)
WOD #2
5 Rounds for time of:
40m Ovehead Carry, 185lbs
30 Wall Balls, 20lbs
40m Farmers Carry, 95lb Barbells
Jacob 17:48 Rx'd
After watching the video I was actually faster then I thought. I'm so pumped by my time on this one. I really felt strong the whole time and moved at a good clip thoughout the WOD. I have to thank Ashley for being nice enough to record the whole thing, and I'll post the entire HD video on Youtube tonight along with the low resolution version on the blog.
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