Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, June 13: Squat 6X5 and 500m Row PR

Well today I wanted to squat and take it easy, but after watching Evan row a 1:25.9 for a 500m I just had to give it a try myself. I was pleased to say the least. I was able to match him and row a 1:25.9, I really think the key was to pull hard and long with each stroke and to secondly pull fast, breathing deep and controlled on each stroke. Normally I'm in the mid to high 20's for my strokes per minute, but Evan pulled a 34/Spm so I went a little quicker then I usually do and it paid off. I don't know why the rower logged both Evan and my 500's as being 1:26.0, but we both saw the time once we were done, oh well.

Warm Up:
Back Squat 15-10-5
*Super set with Air Squat 30-20-10

Jacob 135-185-225

WOD #1
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5-5 Extra

Jacob 225-235-245-255-265-275

WOD #2
For time:
500m Row

Jacob 1:25.9 (PR) Prior PR 1:27.6 I think

Damper 10 and 32 Stroke per minute

WOD #3
Old school bicep and forearm workout, curls and forearm plate curls and what not.

1 comment:

Whiteboard Daily said...

Atta' boy, Jacob! Way to rip it!