Strength in numbers today, Shane, Evan, Nate, Alex, Hudson myself and even Rick stopped by...to borrow something, but it counts. Everyone hit their WOD hard today and it's always awesome to see everyone and have some moving bodies next to you to help hustle it up when your turn comes. This particular WOD is a brutal one that, as before, can exploint your weakness, but everyone did amazingly well. Shane pulled a sub thirty on his first time out, and so did Alex. Both Evan and myself were hot on eachothers heels finishing just 20 seconds apart while Hudson was happy as a clam, as you'll see in his video tomorrow.
If "community through fitness" is the slogan for Crossfit, today was that day. The doors were open at Crossfit Szafranski, there were close friends working out in the garage, Nate hit up a crushing WOD in the hallway of my house and we all had some food afterwards. Good times, good people, good work.
Until next time...
45 Double Unders (135 singles)
45 Squat Cleans (95lb/135lbs)
45 Ring Dips
45 Double unders (95lb/135lb)
For time...
Evan 12:15 Rx'd
Jacob 12:32 Rx'd
Shane 29:10 (95lbs/singles)
Alex 27:58 (95lbs/singles)
Nate: 3 Rounds of: 250m Row, 10 Bodyweight Deadlifts, 25 Box Jumps (24")...11:34 Rx'd
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