Friday, February 27, 2009

Tuesday, February 17

Today I realized that my nagging pains and aches are more than that and are truly are an injury. All I can say is that the throbbing, pulsating, gnawing pain in my lower legs has brought me to the realization that I have to take some time off and switch it up a bit. No more running, jumping or heavy weight bearing exercises that jar my legs. So with that being said here is my last main site WOD as Rx’d for the next two weeks…. Unless of course it doesn’t involve any of the above mentioned things.

Warm Up Progression:
70%-80%-90%-100%-105% (Based on 1RM of Squat Clean)

3 Dead Lifts-3 Barbell Calf Raises-3 Shoulder Shrugs-3 Hang Power Cleans-3 Front Squats
*Try not to let go of the bar while doing the progression.

Jacob 140-160-180-200-210(Failed on the Hang Power Cleans)

Squat Cleans 1-1-1-1-1

Jacob 140-160-180-200-210(F)-210(PR)

P.S. Shane and Alex did this progression also but I can't remember what their loads were,sorry guys.

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