Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24: KBS and Running, Fran and Drag

Since my leg pain is being to subside a little I decided to hit it hard today and try to keep up with the Von Qualens. So here's how it played out.

"Fran and Drag"

For time: 21-15-9 reps for time followed by:
Thruster, 95lbs
175ft Weighted Tire Drag

Evan 4:03

Shoulder Press 5-4-3-2-1

Jacob 115-135-155-165-175

Weighted Pull-up 5-4-3-2-1

Jacob 55-70-106-125-135-145(F)

Shoulder Shrugs 30-25-20-15

Jacob 225-255-275-295

Evan 225-255-275-295

Bent Over Rows 10-10-10-10-10

Jacob 135-155-165-175-185

Evan 135-155-165-175-185

Kettlebell Hustle

3 Rounds of:
Max Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood (3pts. per swing)
Max Kettblebell Swings, 1.5 Pood (2pts. per swing)
Max Kettblebell Swings, 1 Pood (1pt. per swing)
400m Run, For Time
*Complete all swings withou rest until failure back, to back, to back then run.
Score each round by dividing your KBS points by the seconds it took to complete your 400m run.
Rest 5 minutes between each round

Round 1: 25(75pts.), 20(40pts.), 20(20pts.)and 1:28(88sec.)
Round 2: 25(75pts.), 08(16pts.), 15(15pts.)and 1:34(94sec.)
Round 3: 18(54pts.), 15(30pts.), 16(16pts.)and 1:32(92sec.)

Round 1: 1.53 (135/88)
Round 2: 1.13 (106/94)
Round 3: 1.09 (100/92)

WOD Average Per Round 1.25

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