Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16: Rest Those Wolfman Abs?

Well after a busy night as charge in the ER I think I'm going to rest my joints and just do some core work today while I do laundry and then go see The Wolfman with Shane once he's done with work. I'm going to try and have a nice relaxing day today and just enjoy myself, maybe even play a video games for a few hours tonight!

So here's my rest day recovery WOD of sorts.

5 Rounds, not for time, of:
20 Med Ball V-ups, 20lbs
20 Bear Crawl Push-ups Balance
20 Med Ball Cross Chops, 20lbs

Here's a video of a bear crawl push-up balance


Glute Ham Sit-ups
Back Extensions

Shane 2:37

WOD #1:

3 Rounds:
Max reps pull-ups
Max reps push-up
*no rest between sets

Shane Pull-ups 30,15,10 and Push-ups 15,11,6

WOD #2

For time:
150 KBS, 1 Pood

Shane 9:44

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