So today was fierce, WOD's were flying all over the place and some awesome work got done. So here it is... from the streets of Elgin!

Warm Up: 6AM Fire Department
Cable Fly's 6 sets super set with Calf Raises
Cable Push Downs 6 sets super set with Calf Raises
WOD #1
Stiff Legged Deadlift 10-10-10-10-10

Kenny 95-115-135-155-175
WOD #1
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Cleans, 135lbs
15 Burpee's

Jacob 3:23 (0:50, 1:15 and 1:18)
This time with bumpers and wrist straps so I could dump the weights.
WOD #2
5 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
35 Knees to Elbows
20 Yard Overhead Barbell Walk, 185lbs
Jacob 18:30 Rx'd
Kenny 24:04 Rx'd
WOD #3
"The Triple Tower Run"
2.5 Mile Run, up 3 different parking garage stairs then running down each of their ramps, then back along the river.
Jacob 16:00
Kenny 16:20
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