Today was a Crossfit Football day, they really have some good stuff on their site and you can always count on doing some heavy lifting which is what I need to be doing. My AM routine was bicepts and tricepts at the fire department with an assortment of deadhang pull-ups, deadhang dips and strick 3-count push-ups mixed up with curls and different old school weight lifting work then Evan, Shane and myself all did various warm up sets and closed with the Crossfit Football WOD.
Deadlift 60% SRM 1 rep every 30 seconds for a 15x1 sets.
315lbs (With Chains)

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 (My ankle is still sore.)
Over Head Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Then everyone did…
7 Rounds for time of:
3 Push Jerk, 155lbs/95lbs
6 Pull-ups
9 Push-ups
Jacob 3:42 Rx'd
Shane 6:19 (95lbs)
Evan 5:25 Rx'd
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