"The Mountain"
Ascending ladder, AMRAP in 20 minutes of: (1,1,1 2,2,2 3,3,3...)
Squat Clean and Jerk, 135lbs/95lbs
CTB Pull-up
Jacob 9 Rounds, +10 C&J +5 Burpee's (PR)
Shane 8 Rounds, +3 C&J
15 minutes rest then
800m Run x3
Jacob 2:29, 2:34 and 2:39
Later that night... (1AM)
For time:
50 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
50 Pull-ups
35 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
35 Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
20 Pull-ups
Jacob 7:52
Jacob, that is absolutely amazing dude. Sub 8 minutes? Full ROM too, posted on video for all the world to see! How did you learn to do butterfly pullups? I so wish I could do those.
It's been a work in progress with the pull-ups. I watched a lot of video's and really made it a point to hit low rep set of butterfly's, trying to keep good momentum and rhythm with the kip. 10 rep set worked good for me to establish the feel of the butterfly in my muscle memory and then I just kept working on it, slowly increaing the number of reps. Now I thinnk my best is 59 pull-ups and 41 CTB.
Evan an I have been working on his butterfly and have a series of video's posted on the blog documenting his progress. You could check those out or you can just watch the "Boz and Todd" video's on the journel. But thanks again Craig... I actually watched the video again and I only did 49 pull-ups on the first part not 50, but it was late and I was kinda out of it at that point. Next time I hit this one up I wan't to push for the first 50 wall-balls unbroken and the first 50 pull-ups unbroken. If I could do that I should be able to get a sub 7:30.
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