1K Row
45 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
Jacob: 6:45 Rx'd

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time of:
Power Clean, 155lbs
CTB Pull-ups
KBS, 1.5 Pood
Jacob: 12:40 Rx'd
Shane: 15:51 90lbs PC

Road Bike 24.8 miles; 1:32:38, Ave speed 18.2m/h, Ave power 202 watts.
Hey Jacob and dudes...
Do you have a list of WOD methodologies that you use, I mean in general, concepts. Things like the 10,9,8,7, etc. or 21-15-9, etc. for WOD inventions?
For examples:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Reps of couplets, triplets, etc.
21-15-9 Reps of moves
AMRAP in 20
Rounds for time
Run or Row, then couplets or triplets rounds, then run or row
chippers, static rep count
Well one of the big one’s I like to use is penalty movements, like if you break a set or if you can’t complete a round, etc. Here’s a list of the different WOD’s I can think of, sure I’ll forget some though
X reps of Y movement for time:
X reps of Z movement as a penalty for each broken set
AMRAP in 3-5 minutes of cycle (Q,R and S movements), times X rounds:
Rest set duration or rest as needed in between
Ascending rep cycles of Q,R and S movements in X time. 1,1,1-2,2,2-3,3,3-4,4,4
Descending rep cycles of Q,R and S movements in X time. 10,10,10-9,9,9-8,8,8
21-15-9, can add alternate task after each Q, R and/or S movement, Ex. 400m Run/Row, etc.
15-12-9, can add alternate task after each Q, R and/or S movement, Ex. 400m Run/Row, etc
21-15-12-9, can add alternate task after each Q, R and/or S movement, Ex. 400m Run/Row, etc
X reps for time
X reps for time of Y number of movements, can score reps per round, with rest as needed or for a set duration in between.
X rounds for time of cycle Q, R and S movements, increase weight Y each round.
Rest set duration or rest as needed in between
Number totals: X reps per round for time of Max reps Y movement then Z movement until both movements totals X.
Rest set duration or rest as needed in between
“The 50 Cal”
5 Rounds for time of:
Rest 3 minutes in between each round
Max Ring-dips, then row for calories until both you ring dip rep count plus you calorie count total equal 50, then the round is complete. Count reps, calories and time.
Round 1: 25/25 1:55
Round 2: 20/30 2:20
Round 3: 21/29 2:31
To be quite honest Craig the possibilities are endless, but I’m sure we’ll keep it interesting over the next 12 months, so let me know what you come up with and I’ll do the same.
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