Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29: 7,000lbs Off the Floor and Overhead: Part II

We'll this is another go at the final WOD from the Crossfit Denver Qualifiers using 155lbs as opposed to 95lbs. I knew I should have done this while out in Denver because I would've been the only person to use the heaviest weight for the WOD. I guess I chickened out a bit last time, but all I'm shooting for this time is better then a 6:21, for that's what I go with the lighter weight.

Tim, I'll let you know how it goes...

7,000lbs Off the Floor and Overhead

For time, pick a weight and move it from the floor to overhead as many reps needed to total 7,000lbs for time.

45 Clean and Jerks, 155lbs

Jacob 8:24 Rx'd

Sometimes less is more...
Sometimes more is less...
This time more was more.


Warm up
Back squat



50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Double-unders subbed for 2 to 1 singles
Sit-ups for GHSU



Craig Fletcher said...

Dude. You are ripped.

Elgin Garage Gym said...

168.94lbs this AM. Little dude power!

Elgin Garage Gym said...

I just gotta get the big dude strength.