Today Crossfit Szafranski's shipment of Co-Flex tape came in and boy was it needed. It's amazing how the stuff cost 2.50 a roll if you say you’re going to us it on people, but if you buy it from let's say a veterinary shop online it costs a 1.00. God bless America and our wonderful healthcare system.
On a WOD note I hadn’t seriously ran in a timed WOD in a while so I decided to give the row, burpee, run WOD a try again. I remember the last time I did it I was having my horrible leg pain and could barely even run my 400’s, I think my time was in the 16’s or so, but today was different story. I look at the post for the WOD on HQ and set my sights high. OPT posted a 14:07 two WOD’s ago with this one on HQ, so I gave it my all and was pleased with the results.
My strategy was as follows…
500m Row: 1:50, no faster than 1:45
21 Burpees: 1:20 or better
400m Run: 1:30 or better.
Total 14-15 minutes.
3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Rum
Jacob: 13:48 Rx’d PR
My performance was as follows…
Round 1: 4:25
Round 2: 4:35
Round 3: 4:38
Total: 13:48 Rx’d (PR)

Shane stuck with HQ’s suggestion of deadlifts
Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-1-1
Shane 180-200-220-230-240-250-260

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