Over head squats were HQ's suggestion and we all hit it up as follows.
Warm Up:
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (Work up to 110% of 1RM OHS)
Over Head Squats 3-3-3-3-3
10 minute rest then...
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute max reps Over Head Squats, 95lbs
1 Minute max Row, Calories
1 Minute max reps, Deadhang Pull-ups
3 Minute rest after each round. Post reps and calorie totals.

Warm Up:95x5-115x5-125x3-135x3-145x2-155x2-165
Total Score WOD 2: 239 (Back Squats)

Warm Up:95x5-115x5-125x5-135x5-145x2-155x2-165x2
WOD: 95-75-75-85-95
Total Score WOD 2: 247 (Back Squats)

Warm Up: 135x5-155x5-175x3-195x3-215-225-225
WOD: 135-155-180-190-200(PR)-210(Failed)
Total Score WOD 2: 306 Rx'd
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