Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, January 27

Triple WOD day today folks. Just remember, while using Crossfit Szafranski if you experience headache, dizziness, diarrhea, or death, then you're not working hard enough. Do more thrusters.

Jacob opened the show with Heavy Fran: 15-12-9 of 135# thrusters and 45# pull-ups. 6:14 was the final total. He is no longer a boy...He is now a man.

Second WOD was the crossfit official WOD from yesterday: 5 rounds of 30 GHSU and 25 Back Extensions. Nate went for 11:02, Shane did 14:20 with the 20# weight vest and Jacob did 12:12 with the vest as well. Feeling one upped, Nate went on and did a 2k row for 8:23. He will now be known as Nate2k.

Last was half angie. Balls out of 50 pullups, pushups, situps and squats. Jacob went 3:42, Nate 6:08 and Shane 7:14.

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