The WOD was Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Shane: 90-95-100-105-110f-110*-115*-110f-110
Jacob: 160x5-180x2-190x2-200(PR)-205f-205f-205f-200
Nate: 65-75-85-95-100-105-110f
Vital Stats:
Shane “Mountain” Nowak
Bodyweight: 120lbs
Pre Crossfit:
10 Pull-ups, maybe?
Thruster: 65lbs, on a good day.
Deadlift and Sqaut: Not unless he wanted to go to the hospital as a patient.
Post Crossfit:
Deadlift: 280lbs
Back Squat: 180lbs
Thruster: 110lbs
Pull-ups: 43
Other Stats; Fran, Helen and Murph all Rx’d.
Vital Stats:
Jacob “JacobSZ” Szafranski
Bodyweight: 168lbs
Pre Crossfit:
Pull-ups: 15?
Back Squat: ?
Bench Press: 185lbs
Hand Stand Push-up: 1, with assistance.
Post Crossfit:
Fran: 3:27 Rx’d
Heavy Fran: 6:14 Rx’d
Murph: 31:38 Rx’d
Helen: 6:56 Rx’d
FGB: 401
Filthy 50: 17:36
Pull-ups: 52
2007 Crossfit Games Hopper: 13:09 (155lb)
Vital Stats:
Nate “Nate2k” Rud
Age: 26
Bodyweight: 145lbs
Pre Crossfit:
Pull-ups: Size 7
Deadlift: 120lbs
Back Squat: 140lbs
Helen: 9:50 Rx’d
Post Crossfit:
Helen: 7:22 Rx’d
2k Row: 7:31
Pull-ups: 46
Deadlift: 305lbs
Back Squat: 225lbs
Muscle-up: Check (1)